KID STARTUPPER has garnered substantial media attention, with numerous publications and interviews showcasing its transformative influence on education and entrepreneurship. Here are select excerpts from recent coverage, offering insights into our platform's far-reaching impact.
EEPEK: Scientific Association for the Promotion of Educational Innovation The biggest LEARNING COMMUNITY among all teachers! I innovate... I change my way of thinking, I adapt my curriculum, I create new learning resources
Interview on Greek TV following a workshop at the "University Center of International Programmes of Studies"
Kid Startupper: Entrepreneurship Educational Platform for High School Students (article in GR)
Kid Startupper. Empowering Young Entrepreneurs through Aristotle's Principles. (article in GR)
Education: The Birthplace of New Ideas, the Cradle of Innovation. (article in GR)
International Conference (Hybrid) for the Promotion of Educational Innovation Agenda for the 5th International Conference: Presentations, Educational Scenarios, Innovative Programs, and Initiatives (in Greek)
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